The value of cheese has been appreciated by the ancient Greeks. The first references of goat and sheep breeding in Crete have been in the Greek mythology. Chased…
The weddings in Crete are a very important event not only for the couple and their parents but also for the whole community. All the people take part in the joy…
Prostitutes, rebetes and mages were the residents of the Lakkos neighbourhood. In Lakos, there were weird feasts, hashish making and other illegal acts that could…
A tender and… sweet custom is kept till today in the area of Apostoloi Pediados. That is the sweet mantinades (i.e. Cretan folk couplets) custom that they are lyrics…
Mantinada is words combined in order to create a couplet with fifteen syllables and rhyming expressing feelings, thoughts or even the everyday life of the Cretans.…
The pure ingredients, produced by the fertile land of Crete combined with a fabulous way, are the feature of the Cretan diet that is famous for its wonderful tastes…