Melidoni Cave

Melidoni Cave

Location 2 km from Melidoni village, 27 km from Rethymno Altitude 220 meters Stalactite Chambers Heroes' Room, Crossroads, Pasley, Sinkhole Chamber Historical…

Rethimno Caves
Sfentonis Cavern

Sfentonis Cavern

Location: 1 km east of Zoniana, Rethymno region Area: 3,000 sqm Path length: 270 meters Attractions: Stalactites, stalagmites, water basins with calcium carbonate…

Rethimno Caves
Idaion Antron cavern

Idaion Antron cavern

The Idaion Antron is near the picturesque town of Anogeia with the important history and the impressive myths. The cavern is 1500 meters above the sea level and…

Rethimno Caves